L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Posts posted by pvpzverek1

  1. 2 hours ago, Jorn said:

    To make this clear so that all players on Shrine know - we were thinking about selective unban, of course we would remove all +15/+30 skills and other stuff that these players obtained through using bugs, IF these guys would cooperate and tell us about all bugs they used. They rejected.

    We fixed all bugs we found they were using, so i guess we won't bother making another offer to them.

    I'm asking on behalf of the Clan Leader of ForsakeN ! probably no more server errors! I ask them to unbanO.o

  2. 1 minute ago, Antistyle said:

    You do  know our clan barely has 10 ppl online,right? and wtf u take screenshot after beating me ? :D  i'm glad it makes u feel like u achieved something . why dont u show the points u had in the end of the month? i believe i had double even though i gave away most of it . 

    There are crayfish. All but our 79 lvl magicians :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  3. 1 hour ago, Antistyle said:

    if u sell drugs for example,make some  dirty money,then police finds out and they seize everything,then what? =) u gonna ask the police to give u back the drug money? 

    they probably started playing new chars already,i see few new names here and there,either u guys attract russkies like honey does with bees or it's just them and they'll get their complex satisfied by playing broken classes to "beat" the ones who "cried" to gms like some of your monkeys said . 

    this new MAG pati-79 lv


  4. 3 minutes ago, Meatshield said:

    you are funny - some say they got banned for a bug which lets you enchant skills with 100% success rate - if they had any integrity aka. balls aka, competetive spirit  they would report the bug instead of magically having +30 skills without any ammount of farm at forts. I would prefer that they/you were still here but I also cant accept to fight against people that "cheat". If i was admin the best you could hope for was a chance to start over on new chars. BL BL BL and suka blyat.

    the owners of these characters, two people... they came to us on that server .... the rest, they are not told about bugs in the game....

    I gave them their accounts in the beginning of the game (they have not deceived me and robbed me, not what)

    I 100% wrote a bug report.. if I knew!


    I want them back they are good players

  5. from a Russian player ,member of clan forsaken



    we played together. they played long and hard... what exactly they did I don't know!

    what mistake of the game they used I don't know! but I think you have already eliminated(fixed)... this is a mistake of the game didn't affect the gameplay(not much)...


    without us you would be bored,we love your server =) 


    My request: remove the ban from these characters : (not very much applying sanctions)

    4Game, ACDC, AnalCarnival, AQeye, bomj, Buriza, Cats, CC1, cc2, Clarity, Claw, Crab, Creditka, DDD, DiIIer,
    Diller, Elly, FlameS, FlintFobiAq, Garfield, HanSoSolo, iAA, JENYAJIR, JenyaJirnii, JJJ, Juny, MEGAORC1, N1gga, OPK, Pusher, rte, Seraphima, Stigma, Sum, TombRaider, Victory, ZAKENeye, zapaska

    Thank you




  6. 14 minutes ago, heroBD said:

    klever we asked gm to check because having +24 clarity on a box is hard , ( when u have never farmed fortress , never bought epas and even your castle's area fortresses arent taken).
    popping out of nowhere with + 30 skills + 24 on boxes is strange....

    the sad thing is that these guys with the xp they made last 2-3 months were the richest guys in the server... but they didnt even sell stones , nothing.... instead of working for it(as they worked hard for the xp), they abuse a bug stupidly.....

    I repeat, they played for 18 hours(not for 3 hours a day. as 90 % of the players).....hence perhaps wealth?

    they went to the basement of the castle on rollback every day... 


    ps:only this can tell. they had sharpened the skills...

    PSS:I don't know what they got not by chesney




  7. 8 minutes ago, Gogita said:

    Yea no wonder they got banned. We play on the server from the first day and my clarity is +17 , Our main WC is not even 83 and have COV +5.. Those came for 2 months hit 85 on all mains and boxes and have Clarity +24 and COV +15 :D


    they played 18 hours a day. two months...(it is easy to check) 

  8. the character gets stuck in the wall...if there is a possibility correct..please fix


    Current Location : -23594, 248404, -3136 (Near south of Wastland Camp)


    ps:too lazy to run back to Hellbound =)




  9. 10 hours ago, Eldax said:

    y. y. we all already know that 1 S geared zerg can beat a boxed pt of common a grades, bcuz its skileld char for skilled players. btw how u can even play with those resolution? i feel like im back to ~2005 when watching this )


    I did not change the computer from 2005:D
