L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


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Posts posted by aVx

  1. 10 minutes ago, mirage said:

    /petrevert should work

    But in order to raise it you''ll need the pet action window. Try Options -> Initialize (it's a button on 2nd tab, I think). It will move all UI elements to default positions.

    edit: fixed command

    /petrevert worked! That's nice!


    Second clue didnt help :/ Try'd even to reset to default still nothing.

  2. 2 hours ago, Eldax said:

    Why u say 3rd is garbage? U just go to npc and in few seconds u can find everything u want, w/o checking all shops,  w/o remembering price & where was previous shops with thing u need, with like 0% chance to meet scam shop. U can just say its garbage, but srly can u just give me 1 thing againts it?

    If you are playing with market, you are loosing money this way. ;) Let's say it's more in my own interest, even tho im in Giran when i need to craft shots. 



    Emca, close this one faster or they will ask to make dance/songs 10 min. :D 

  3. 1 minute ago, isma6611 said:


    its not about gifting stuff , the fact is that having 72 players with lvl 61 chars here is almost imposible, if done , a third of them or a half would be by multiboxing, that system is designed for much bigger servers, so why not make an adaptation, something in between  like 2-3 partys with a better chance of getting the jewel

    1. Enter the instance with 1 party. 

    The chance to drop the required item is about 0,1% or even lower so you have to consider if it's even worth it. 


    Easy, not needed to log 129238 chars.