L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. 馃嚭馃嚘 Slava Ukraini! 馃嚭馃嚘


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Everything posted by shavander

  1. the same problem no buff after vote
  2. i have oder problem i cant vote on http://l2topzone.com/ it say website is down so i dont have 5 vote = no prem but i get buff thanks
  3. WitamKlan AngelicThunder (old Freedom ) Zaprasza graczy do wsp贸lnej zabawy niezale偶nie od klasy czy czasu na gr臋. Jeste艣my grupk膮 ludzi kt贸rzy s膮 tu aby si臋 wsp贸lnie bawi膰 i sp臋dza膰 mi艂o czas. Nie poddamy si臋 za dzie艅 czy 2 i nie damy Quita. Posiadamy kana艂 Ts3 oraz Klanowa grup臋 FB. Najwa偶niejsza sprawa jest dla nas gra zespo艂owa i gramy dla siebie nie dla wy艣cigu , pomagamy sobie wzajemnie i tego oczekujemy od innych klanowiczy. Aktualnie posiadamy 7lvl klanu lecz na dniach si臋 nad tym popracuje.Domek klanowy w Aden niedaleko Gk .Oczekujemy minimalnej 1-2h aktywno艣ci oraz minimalnie nas艂uch
  4. jak o 17 ma by膰 1,5k jak start jest o 20.00 o 17 to raczej nie b臋dzie nawet 1 osoby
  5. no z tego co gdzie艣 tu wyczyta艂em z s艂贸w admina spodziewany online to 1,5k O_o fee bnb to prehistoria interlude ja nie wiem czemu taki nagle bum jest na ta wersje ..bo co inni maja online to ja tez postawie i tez bd mie膰 ? O_O lepiej by膰 unikalnym jak ten Serw
  6. hi will be available in-game drop calculator via Shift + attack ?
  7. tak wiec jeszcze przed Startem . Clan AngelicThunder clan lvl 0 TS3 Goddard CH zapewne i ambicjami na Zamek plus jakie艣 ma艂e wojenki Zaprasza 2x Bish 3x Destro 1x EE 1-2 Tanka Ch臋tni PM lub w temacie clan (kt贸rego jeszcze nie ma ale sie zrobi w odp czasie ) Pozdrawiam Dreyko
  8. bry tak jak w temacie dajcie zna膰 czy jacy艣 nasi towarzysze broni wbijaj膮 tu
  9. all the times .. day after day . this is adsl internet > router > . i have playing this game since 2004 y and this is first time i have some lags . i can log to any Oder serv and is runs free no problems/lags/freez etc . i have open port for l2 serv too.. in PC firewall and router (my server (homemade h5) is off when i try play on Shrine )
  10. hmm i like expoff/expon but use it like buff ? from npc who disable exp for X time paymant vote coins ?/ adena/ daily quest ?
  11. I live in Poland to the devil so do not should be delays Czech is practically my backyard ping for NOW 7073 ... pls fix it i want to bring my clan here . i already try install latency fix don't help
  12. hmm i have 3 computers is same network sharing ip (only 1 is ON ) . i will try in a moment //edit... the same problem char freez 1-2 sek . iritated when use skill/move
  13. hello i have ping 88 so ..This is very strange, but after every action I have 1 second delay. learning skills lag. talk with NPC lag? Server runs on the final location of the machine and whether a temporary vps for tests?
  14. if i can add some sugestion for vote reward... as reward add autopicup solo/party mode for week/day/h ppl will voteeeeee :D i already know you will not add this :(
  15. .online is not that good options . ppl will se lower online and dont broder to try .They say there is no  500 on + so i will not play ... have thought 500 people but thats i my opinion cya :)
  16. hi i dont see any info about autodrop ? its will be disabled or reweard for voted ?
  17. thanks its works now :)
  18. hello i have problem to start your system. after download and Press start i have multiple errors with dll . after download missing dll to l2 system api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0 API-MS-Win-core-file-l2-1-0 ... the application is not running properly (0xc0000005). Click OK to exit applications any solution ? i have client for download page