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  1. make protect system: if someone(1-60lvl) pm/shout and 3 ppls(from different IP) block them(/block) it will ban chat spamer for 15 min(next time 30/60/120)
  2. I am pretty sure, if you would shout in giran, that you re buying common A grade armor/ weapon there would be plenty people who would sell it to you people are not /vendor ing it because no one was buying it imo
  3. That problem is on many servers, one zerg clan/ally rules a server. But that zerg clan needs to consider if it wants to play on dead server, when all other players leave with disgust. Maybe this clan should consider if it is not better to let others get well equip and 3rd class quest to get equal opponents for a good PvP. After server will be dead, they will shout that server is dead and there is no PvP, too late. So, zerg clans, consider...
  4. Tohle už se řešilo několikrát a global chat nechceme, lock.
  5. Navrhujem zapnut global chat, nehra tu tolko ludi zeby sa to nedalo udrzat ... napr som lvl 20 a koli zhananiu aka som stratil par minut nato aby som portoval do giranu adenu atd. a potom spät do low miest a aj tak som ju nezohnal . ( Pravdaze to bola moja dobra vola, ziaden reward som nechcel )
  6. Every little helps! for sure :D. I have meet some people in game that didn't know about the vote reward and once they did they went to vote :D. Have seen some servers use announcement message to spam every once in a while in chat window on the All channel, in bright blue color, announcements. Although Im not sure how can you miss the huge yellow message at start. Another thing could be putting a short but clear message about it on loading screen? A bunch of Unique NPCs in busy places that shout about Vote reward in game would be awesome as well. Just some of my ideas.
  7. in shout just "sell AM+7" and after pm i answer "150$" its be legal?)
  8. To admins: I can't recall you making a poll on autoloot. No poll on global chat. No poll on rates. No poll on vote reward . My question is ,why the hell is all the fuzz about something you clearly disagree with? Isn't it unfair to everything else that has been discussed and denied as a change without a poll ? This topic should have been locked a long time ago. Stick to what you want, bottom line is - ITS YOUR SERVER. If you made a poll on autoloot,when it was discussed,how did you think it would go? Give it a month and people will start to bitch about being PK'd ..we
  9. @wiegraf, there will be some changes of course - we're planning update to Epilogue, but that's nothing in conflict with retail - one may even say it's more retail than staying years on the same version As for basic features like rates, no autoloot, no global shout/trade - this will stay as it is. We'll maybe add some kind of team vs team event over time, we'll maybe "fix" spiritshot lags (in fact these lags are real retail behavior), maybe we'll fix some korean nonsense (like we fixed that members of the same command channel are treated as allies, not enemies ) Server concept wi
  10. Exactly,it feels kinda frustrating , not able to get back at a blue shout, doesn't it ? And yeah, I've always enjoyed a good "WTB my other sock" that turns into a conversation , but if I can't be a part of it .. it kinda sucks. So if shout or trade is not global (english only ofc) , hero chat is OFF in my game,
  11. do not go to the entreaties of the players, and that so long as each wants the GM account. What the @@@@ global chat, what the @@@@ increase rate, you know where u go play
  12. Yeah exactly, hero chat is global chat and is usually used as flame war channel. People who can afford it pay people to get their WTS/WTB to whole server. Others who cant have bad luck. Same will happen, if there is a global chat for everyone. Flame war nonstop.
  13. Global chat (even with a nice idea to be used for traders) is gonna be turned in a flame war channel. I think it causes more problems than it solves. Just make spam macros on dwarfs. Giran was always the place for the game economy, so go there, make shop, shout wts. EDIT: It could maybe, just maybe work with something like 10 minutes delay for messages, but still, could be used for anything really.
  14. That's actually a good idea. My only concern would be people that spam the trade chat knowing its global chat. As a consequence people will just disable the trade chat and then we don't have a channel which we don't really use.
  15. @emca i have an idea about global chat ( if it is possible to be done ) can the + trade chat be done global alone as it is ? in this way whoever wants to spam can spam , and whoever wants to turn it of just do it. it wont harm anyone . even now the economy in giran (at least at chat is very poor ) . the only reason why i d personally want global chat is trades, nothing more , it helps the people that xp a lot , the people that dont like to stand in giran for hours , specially with this small community atm. economy is the (alpha and the omega as we say in greece) and it is ex
  16. Global chat will give spammers freedom Not a good idea. There would be so much talking it would be hard to read at some point. Try to take hero you get global chat
  17. As a F2P/B2P player I never understood why people are against real life money trading. I can understand it from the company's point of view, because those players are taking away their money, but you're essentially a non-profit service, so why bother? Some people might say it's an unfair advantage, but that's just life, someone born into a rich family can simply afford more, that's why there is a player in Archeage who spent an estimated 150,000€ buying legal ingame currency (Apex). Also, I see no way how can you possibly battle RMT, unless players promote their service in global chat. L2 is a
  18. Oriphix


    Why don't you keep logs of private chats? No RTM person is stupid enough to talk in trade, general chat, global chat. The logs are not there to spy on people its there to protect the players and act as proof if and when required. @Salee 100% agree RTM is cancer which kills every game. I think in this server that was common sense and obvious that's why its not in the front page on there "features". I wouldn't have spent as much time on this forum / server if I knew this was allowed from the get go. @Emca @Jorn I am not asking you to stop this 100%. But having rules where you can
  19. re duskolo akoma na broune atoma. o e global trabh3e polu kosmo. alla pisteuyw pio meta 8a mazepsei re
  20. We don't want global shout... It's good for servers with really low population (less than 200) but it would be megaspam with more people...
  21. +1000 for global chat it make server more live, and btw hope will be english
  22. Are you gonna enable global or larger area chat for start? Makes things seem more populated and easier to find party members since there are no heroes. I know you are all for retail so I guess not? It's just something to improve gameplay / have fun with other people.
  23. Maybe if we add 1st class change for one click, it would attract some people. Maybe if we add autoloot, it would attract even more people. And well, if we add NPC buffer, GM shop, global gatekeeper, 14 day olympiad, subclass skill stacking, ... No, we want it retail.
  24. What you said is just common sense, about players streaming,ofc its better, can you stream 24h ? , . Ghost town ? A market full of people jumping from one shop to another, non-stop TRADE/SHOUT .. not sure what you mean by "Ghost town", but thats not it .. Its a simple logged in account that shows life in server. Emca got it..