L2 Shrine strongly condemns the aggression of the barbaric russian federation. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Slava Ukraini! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


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Everything posted by Antaryon

  1. If I like the server I might be able get some people from my gaming community to play too, we will see.
  2. Thank you for the intput. To be honest I'd rather play on a lower population, but good server, than a big one lacking a good community. The population on a server is largely in the hands of the community playing there anyway, so once I have more experience here I can always spread the word around if I like the server.
  3. I got here from hopzone, that was the rage years ago, so after pmfun, that was my go to site
  4. Hey Guys, So I've started my first character on the server, and I'm looking for a clan suitable for my casual playtime. If you guys know a suitable one, let me know pls.
  5. Thank you for humoring me, now I'm definitely going to join this server
  6. Alright, thank you guys for your input, I pretty much decided to start again here on L2Shrine. @Jorn I have to ask though, since I'm curious. You (The GMs) are obviously not in it for the money, so what motivates you to keep this server alive and running?
  7. To be honest, this server gives me a better impression, more chill community basically, but I'm a bit awerse to the newer chronicles, because I liked the slower pace of Interlude compared to Gracia, last I played.
  8. I'M looking for an International Clan, but I'm sure I will find one if there are that many people online, thanks for the information.
  9. Hello Everyone! Years ago I played Lineage 2 for a very long time, but life happened and I had to drop this particular hobby. Now I'm looking to rejoin the game with my GF to play the game casually. I spent the past 2 days looking for any good private servers, that had a decent sized, and good community. After my search I ended up with 2 candidates, one of them being this server (L2Shrine), the other one being L2Dawn. My first impression of the server is great, but it is the same with L2Dawn too, so I'm torn in between the two. So I ask you guys, how many people should I expect